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She didn’t know what to do when he began to slide his body up and down the back of her housecoat, and less knew what to do when he lowered his shorts, his penis now doing the rubbing. Act asleep, all she could think of.She hoped he didn’t know she could tell when he ejaculated. She’d wash off the evidence in the morning. When he was finished, he let go of her and resumed guard responsibilities.November 9, 1942It occurred to Miss Elsie that word squares might be fun, letters in the sand. The boys, at first dubious, pursued victory with a vengeance. The winning square:E A RE Y EL E DMiss Elsie liked the use of “eye” and “aye,” as in “Aye, aye, sir,” By how they elbowed one another, she could tell that they took special delight in “eel.”That night, Tom would be her protector.Miss Elsie knew the routine, not that she’d agreed, of course, but they’re boys. When he opened her housecoat, it wasn’t the breeze that caused her to shiver.Don’t, Tom, she wanted to say when his hand slipped into. Rubber boat transport to the shore and an 'unlucky' encounter with a depth charge meant no witnesses.Previously placed Nazi spies had secretly purchased the house before the war and outfitted the cellar lab. Jason, with Swiss documentation, continued his experiments.The mold was sealed, steamed, electrified and pressurized until the finished construct was 'decanted, ' a perfect female slave. Rich men paid high prices for Jason's products. An untraceable female with insatiable sexual habits and very few nerves to disrupt, made Jason's Girls perfect for bed or dungeon.The group of 'J' batch forms, sold, and the six females kept, Jason relaxed, looking through a series of photographs of runaway females taken by his collectors.All 16 year old blond 'girl next door' types, the one chosen to be the 'K' artifact would suffer indescribable pain and anguish for the remainder of her short life. The others would be sold to brothels all over the world.One hundred eleven thousand runaways a year.
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